Throughout history, whether through deliberate action, ignorance or dismissive attitudes, a de-Africanized view of the Bible has been normalized. This course will challenge narratives that seek to diminish the black and African presence in the bible, and will show that it is in an Afro-Asiatic context that the events and stories of the bible occur. The great African empires of the bible will become more visible and prominent through these lectures. Part of the liberation and justice work on behalf of those classified as black is affirming the historical contributions to human history and religion by black or African civilizations which has been historically whitewashed. This course will analyze the Gen. 10, “Table of Nations,” and will correct many common misnomers and inaccuracies about the descendants of Noah. It will also show the rise of the great African empires and their connection to the larger biblical narrative and tradition. The course will provide an Afrocentric view of what is meant by the term, “biblical lands,” as one analyzes contemporary biblical maps. One of the problematic aspects of the way that the biblical story is perceived is the doctrine of divine election, and this course will show a better way of viewing Israel’s history. It will answer questions such as: Where did the populations of the bible originate? Where did Noah’s flood occur? and What African empires influenced Jewish history? You will be challenged with other perspectives as you study.
Introduction to Black Biblical Antiquities
Instructor bio and what to expect in this course.
This lecture involves the complications of defining blackness in history and contemporary times, and the hypocrisy of some Eurocentric scholars when their contemporaries identify African, Black and Melinated persons in scripture.
This quiz will test your understanding of the first two lectures
Origin Stories and Early African Civilizations
This lecture will present the ancient story of "The Great Deluge" from an African perspective. It will also emphasize the African origins of Noah and his three progenitors who became prominent as fathers of the nations represented in the biblical story.
This lesson goes further into Hamitic and Semitic origins within the African context. Attention is also given to the people of Kedar, who are descendants of Ishmael.
In this lecture we correct the many mistaken ideas surrounding the character of Nimrod as a biblical figure and identify the nature of the great cities which he built.
This lecture dives into the Assyrian cities which were built by Nimrod which grew into cities of a great empire
This quiz is based on our studies beginning with Eden and the time of Noah to the History of Nimrod
The Afro-Asiatic Kingdoms of the Hebrew Bible
This study considers the theological and political nature of the table of nations and additionally lays the foundation for Egyptian history in its proper African context
This lecture covers the history of Egypt during the time of the Nubian Dynasty and the role that it played in salvation history
This lecture continues from the previous lecture and expands on the historic contributions of the 25th Egyptian dynasty
This lecture addresses the geography and wealth of Askum and Punt as well as details surrounding the queen of Sheba/Makeda
This lecture will show the power and influence exerted by the Ethiopians and Egyptians in the world from the time of the United Monarchy to the post-captivity period.
This quiz will test your knowledge of the table of nations and African kingdoms
West African Civilizations and Biblical Antiquity
Students will be able to be able to "connect the dots" between the Hausa Kingdom and the biblical world
This lecture will refer to linguistics and biblical antiquity to showcase the spiritual heritage of certain West African groups
A presentation to teach the connection of West African groups to the biblical story, and also answering the question, "What was happening in West Africa in Biblical times?"
A presentation showing how the great West African Empires arose out of what should be included in discussions about "biblical lands" and and began great civilizations
This quiz will challenge your knowledge about Africa and biblical history as it relates to West African civilizations, population groups and Empires.