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Archetypes for Life: Your Pathway to Spiritual Awakening

Awaken Your Soul from Within & Shift from Self to Soul
Andy Brine
435 students enrolled
English [Auto]
You will have deeper understanding of yourself and how your express yourself in the world.
You will also identify positive and possible negative (shadow) aspects of yourself.
You learn how your character and persona are formed. This will allow you to break from old conditions and behaviours.
You will gain a deeper sense of clarity and perspective in your life.
This course is for people who want to gain a deeper understanding of themselves with regards to their spiritual growth and development.

During this course we will explore your Soul Pathway and the 12 Archetypes you live by. Through exploring these archetypes you are able to gain a deeper understanding of your inner work in order to assist with your ascension as you awaken your soul from within. You will gain clarity on your inner world to enable you to transform your outer world. We will begin by looking at The Soul Pathway as it applies to you and your life, and we will then speak about its integral role in building your character and persona as you awaken to who you are. We will also talk about how The Soul Pathway plays an integral role in assisting you with connecting to your Soul as each and every aspect of who you are. This will help you to identify the archetypes you express in the world and assist you with your Spiritual Growth, Development and Ascension

Together with the program, you will be provided with an Archetypes Assessment which will help you identify your Dominant Archetypes. By identifying your archetypes, you will be able to pin point positive aspects of yourself and potential negative (Shadow) aspects of yourself that are holding you back. Once you have identified your Dominant Archetypes we will explore each of the 12 Archetypes in detail to help you shift your consciousness and make the relevant changes in your life.

Finally, we will be speaking about the Archetypes that you will meet on your journey. These archetypes become your support network and assist you with your growth and development. It’s key for you to become aware of these archetypes to ensure you are not led astray as you progress on your souls path.

This program has been created to help you with your Spiritual Growth, Development and Transformation, whilst helping you to giveback to the world in your own unique way. 

“Connect with Your Inner World and Transform Your Outer World to Awaken to Your Soul Pathway”

What you will learn:

  • How to Identify Your Dominant Archetypes

  • Positive Aspects of your Self to enhance your Character.

  • Shadow Aspects of your Persona that are Holding You Back

  • The Layers of Each Archetype to Assist You with Your Individual Transformation

  • Learn How to Build Your Soul Tribe to Support You on you Path!

Join the Program Today and Awaken Your Soul from Within!

Introduction to the Archetypes for Life program

Overview of the program

The Archetypes for Life Course will be broken down into 5 sections. Below you can see a breakdown of the course contents:

  • Building You Character and Persona

  • The Hero's Journey and Your Life

  • Archetypes with Live by and the 12 Archetypes for Transformation

  • Building Your Archetypal Team and Identifying Archetypes of Your Journey

The Soul Journey and Building Your Character and Persona

Introduction to The Hero's Journey, Your Soul Pathway and Understanding Yourself

During this section we explore the origins of The Hero's Journey, Your Soul Pathway and Understanding Yourself.

Building Your Character and Persona

During this section we will be looking at and exploring the shaping of your Character and Persona as you connect with your Soul. We will be speaking about the conditions that have shaped your Ego, while helping you connect with your unconscious Self, and delving into your Shadow aspects.

The Soul Pathway and You!

Your Soul Pathway - Preparation Phase

During this lecture we will explore the first phase of your Soul Pathway as it relates to you and your life. We will speak about Stage 1 - Old Self, Stage 2 - Soul Awakening and Stage 3 - Self Inquiry

At this phase of your journey, you will be living by your conditioning and Ego. This will be where you prepare for your adventure as your reflect upon your past and disconnect from what no longer serves you. You are quite literally preparing for the next phase of your life and you gain the courage and strength to begin living life on your terms.

Your Soul Pathway - Journey Phase

During this lecture we will explore the second phase of your Soul Pathway as it relates to you and your life. We will speak about Stage 4 - The Shift, Stage 5 - Transcendence and Stage 6 -Unification.

At this phase of your journey, you will be stepping into the unknown where there is no way or path. This is where you begin to find your self as you connect with your Soul. You will face your road of trials as you grow, develop and transform your life as you transcend  your consciousness and awareness. Each obstacle you encounter will assist you with becoming whole and at one with yourself as they shape you into the person you are ultimately meant to be.

Your Soul Pathway - Return Home Phase

During this lecture we will explore the final phase of your Soul Pathway as it relates to you and your life. We will speak about Stage 7 - Higher Self/ Soul Pathway.

At this phase of your journey, you will be reflecting upon your conditioning as you begin living through the consciousness of the Wise Ego. This is where you connect with your Self at the deeper as you embrace your divine mission and purpose. You are in essence returning back home to yourself as you give back to your community. Once you have reached this point on your path, you are divinely guided by spirit as you connect with your Higher Self.

12 Archetypes to Transform Your World

Identify Your Domianat Archetypes with the Archetypes Assessment

Prior to delving into Jung's 12 archetypes, be sure to complete your Archetypes Assessment Questionaire. You will find these documents attached below, the first one entitled “Archetypes Assessment - Questionnaire” and the second entitled “Archetypes Assessment - Results Sheet”. Once you have completed the forms, you will then have identified the dominant archetypes you express in the world.

NOTE: Please make sure to fill your results of the Archetypes Assessment: Questionnaire into the Results sheet. The results will automatically be calculated for you. You will then discover your dominant archetypes while identify some aspects of your wounds within the lower scores. 

Introduction into the 12 Archetypes and Questionnaire

During this lecture we introduce Jung's 12 Archetypes as we explore the Archetypes Questionnaire and Results Sheet.

Exploring the Archetypes Results and Creating Balance and Harmony in Your Life!

Within this lecture we will explore the results from the Archetypes Assessment as we look at what they mean for you and your life. We will also speak about creating balance and harmony in your life through awakening the 12 archetypes within. 

Preparation Archetypes and The Innocent

The Archetype of the Innocent begins in childhood, when we perceive the world as beautiful and perfect. As we grow, we become marred by experiences in our lives which cause us to become pessimistic and cynical. This can become amplified during the awakening process, when illusions are shattered and we come to terms with the divine matrix of the world in which we live. If you are connecting with the archetype of the Innocent, it may be a time to return to Innocence as you embrace the wholeness of life and the purity of your Soul. Alternatively, it may be an invitation to begin questioning your circumstances in order to live more in alignment with who you really are. Below are the layers of consciousness are your journey through the Innocent archetype:

Layers of Consciousness of The Innocent Archetype:

Level 1: Unquestionable Acceptance of the Environment, Authorities, belief that the world being experienced is all there is.

Level 2: Experience to the "Fall" - disillusionment - but retention of faith and goodness in adversity

Level 3: Return to Paradise, this time as the Wise Innocent, trust and optimism without denial, naivete, or dependence

Preparation Archetypes: The Orphan

The Orphan Archetype is the aspect of ourselves which has experienced the pain of neglect, abandonment, or abuse. Often we are wounded by those who are unawakened, or tragedy causes us to experience loss at an early age. Initially, the Orphan may feel victim to circumstances, resort to manipulation, and resist taking ownership. As we grow, we begin to accept appropriate help and experience the safety of interdependent mutual support. If you are connecting with the archetype of the Orphan, acknowledge your Shadow aspects and send love to your Inner Child who is seeking validation and acceptance. Notice opportunities to empower yourself even as you accept the assistance of others. Below are the layers of consciousness as you embrace the Wise Orphan within:

Layers of Consciousness of The Orphan archetype:

Level 1: Learning to understand the truth of one’s plight and feel pain,abandonment and victimization, powerlessness, and loss of faith in people and institutions of authority.

Level 2: Accepting the need for help; being willing to be rescued and aided by others.

Level 3: Replacing the dependence on authorities with interdependence with others who help each other and band together against authority. 

Preparation Archetypes: The Warrior

The Warrior Archetype embodies the energy of the Masculine that is within us all, regardless of gender. It calls us to have courage, strength, and integrity as we live by the values of our Soul. The early Warrior operates from the Shadow of conditioning and is often reckless, aggressive, and excessively guarded. As we evolve, the awakened Warrior engages in altruistic battles of service and protection. If you are connecting with the archetype of the Warrior, it is an invitation to utilize your power wisely. Fight for a cause you believe in or serve others in need. Alternatively, it may be time to take off your suit of armour as you allow your emotions to flow from within. Below are the layer of consciousness as you begin to Awaken Your Inner Warrior:

Layers of Consciousness of The Warrior Archetype:

Level 1: Fight for self or others to win or prevail (anything goes)

Level 2: Principled fight for self or others; abiding by rules of a fair fight or competition; altruistic intent.

Level 3: Forthright assertiveness, fighting for competition for what really matters.(Not simply personal gain) little or no need for violence, win/ win solutions, conflict honesty aired, increased communication, honesty.

Preparation Archetypes: The Caregiver

The Caregiver Archetype embodies the energy of the Feminine that is within us all, regardless of gender. In this helper role we provide unconditional love, often without recognition, to anyone in who is in need. The early Caregiver often becomes a martyr through self-sacrifice, enabling, or rescuing. As we evolve, the Awakened Caregiver finds balance through mutual support. We care for ourselves as well as others and set healthy boundaries. If you are connecting with the archetype of the Caregiver, it may be an invitation to live from your heart and bring tenderness and aid to your community. Alternatively, it may be time to focus on nurturing yourself in the same way that you support others. Below are the layer of consciousness as you notice the unconditional love you can give to others as well as yourself:

Layers of Consciousness of The Caregiver Archetype:

Level 1: Conflict between own needs and those of others; tendency to sacrifice your own needs to what others need or want from you; rescuing. 

Level 2: Learning to care for yourself so that caring for others is enriching not maiming. Learning “tough love”, empowering and not doing for others.

Level 3: Generativity, willingness to care and be responsible for people (and perhaps also animals of the earth) beyond your own immediate family and friends to community building. 

Journey Archetypes and The Seeker

The Seeker Archetype is the part of ourselves which is yearning to uncover deeper meaning. Initially, this can result in feeling disconnected or empty. Often there is no name for what is missing, only a sensation of longing for something. The awakened Seeker courageously searches for a better life. We find ourselves desiring greater wisdom and becoming willing to cross new frontiers in order to accomplish that which once seemed unachievable. If you are connecting with the archetype of the Seeker, it is inviting you to discover the great mystery of life as you connect with that which enlivens your Soul. Others may not understand your adventures, though that does not matter. The treasures you seek belong to you alone. Below are the levels of consciousness as you go in search for the life of your dreams:

Layers of Consciousness of The Seeker archetype:

Level 1: Exploring, Wondering, Experimenting,Studying, Trying new things

Level 2: Ambition and climbing the ladder of success, becoming the best you can be.

Level 3: Spiritual searching and transformation.

Journey Archetypes: The Destroyer

The Destroyer Archetype is the part of ourselves which recognizes and removes anything that is not helpful on our journey. It is quite useful in clearing the path and making way for something new. In the early stages this can appear as destructive behaviours and attempts to anaesthetize our pain instead of letting it illuminate what is not going well in our lives. If you are connecting with the archetype of the Destroyer, it is an invitation embrace the awakened Destroyer as you connect with your strength and courageously determine what is right for you. Step into your power and rid yourself of anything or anyone that prevents you from living in alignment with your Soul. Below are the layer of conscious as you let go of what no longer serves you so that you are able to embrace the journey ahead:

Layers of Consciousness of The Destroyer archetype:

Level 1: Confusion, Grappling with Meaning of Death, Loss, Pain.

Level 2: Acceptance of Morality, Loss,and Relative Powerlessness

Level 3: Ability to Choose to Let Go of anything that no longer supports your values, life and growth,or that of others. 

Journey Archetypes: The Lover

The Lover Archetype is the part of ourselves which craves intimacy and emotional connection in relationships. It has been said that without love, the Soul does not engage with life itself and we are left feeling lonely, empty, and void. In early stages, the Lover may appear selfish, jealous, controlling, or sexually obsessed. If you are connecting with the archetype of the Lover, it is an invitation to awakening, an initiation of the heart, in which you are being led to follow your bliss. As you live from your Higher Self, join with others in the acknowledgement that we are all connected. You are being called to welcome, embrace, and love yourself. Below are the layers of consciousness and you awaken to the Journey of Divine Love:

Layers of Consciousness of The Lover archetype:

Level 1: Following Your Bliss and What You Love

Level 2: Bonding with and making commitments to whom and what you love. 

Level 3: Radical Self Acceptance giving birth to the Self and connecting to the personal with the transpersonal,the individual with the collective

Journey Archetypes: The Creator

When we discover or give birth to our true selves, the creator comes in to our lives. This is when we discover the connection with the creative source of the universe, we also discover our part in the Creation process. A critical part of their quest is in finding and accepting themselves and discovering their true identity in relation to the external world. The Creator archetype is one that creates the vision of what they want their life to look like, in order to manifest that into their lives and will usually be driven by their inspiration.

Here is an example of the stages of The Creator archetype:

Level 1: Opening to receive visions, images,hunches, inspiration.

Level 2: Allowing yourself to know what you really want to have,do or create.. 

Level 3: Experiments with creating what you imagine – allowing yourself to let your dreams come true.

Return Home Archetypes and The Ruler

The Ruler Archetype is the control we have over ourselves and others. Initially this may manifest in manipulative behaviours, or we may feel helpless and unwilling to accept responsibility. When awakened, we find a unified state within that allows us to govern ourselves and others with integrity. If you are connecting with the archetype of the Ruler, notice how you influence others and lead from the heart. Seek healing if you find that you feel powerless within certain aspects of your life. Develop new skills, utilize resources, and create structures which allow you to fairly and wisely Rule your internal and external kingdoms. Below are the layers of consciousness as you become the Ruler of your own kingdom as you serve from the heart:

Layers of Consciousness of the stages of The Ruler archetype:

Level 1: Taking Responsibility for the State of Your Life. Seeking Healing Wounds or Areas of Powerlessness are reflected in scarcity in your outer life. Primarily focused on your own life of your own family

Level 2: Developing Skills and Creating Structures for Manifesting your own Dreams in the real world as it is. Concerned with good of whatever group or community you belong to

Level 3: Fully Utilizing all resources – internal as well as external; concerned with good of society or the plant.

Return Home Archetypes: The Magician

The Magician Archetype is the power we have to change our reality by shifting our consciousness and awareness. In order to transform our circumstances, we must bravely go within and allow insights to arise from the wisdom of our Soul. Our physical realities can be positively influenced by altering our mental, emotional, and spiritual states. The awakened Magician emerges when we realize that everything is connected. If you connect with the archetype of the Magician, align with your Higher Self and begin to notice the synchronistic or mystical experiences that are appearing in your life. Trust yourself and your ability to manifest that which you desire. Below are the layers of consciousness and you alchemize your wounds within by shifting your consciousness:

Layers of Consciousness of the stages of The Magician archetype:

Level 1: Experiencing healing or choosing to notice extrasensory or synchronistic experiences

Level 2: Grounding inspiration by acting on your visions and making them real; making your dreams come true.

Level 3: Consciously using the knowledge that everything is connected to everything else, developing mastery of the art of changing physical realities by first changing the mental, emotional and spiritual ones. 

Return Home Archetypes: The Sage

The Sage Archetype yearns to uncover deep truths about ourselves, the world, and even the Universe. It has no need to create change; knowledge and understanding are sufficient. At the beginning, the Sage can present as unfeeling, aloof, or judgmental. Through awakening, the Sage journeys through doubt and skepticism and arrives at contentment, peace, and insight. If you are connecting with the archetype of the Sage, it is an invitation to keep an open mind. Reality is huge; subjectivity is part of the human condition. Bring the Shadow to light and allow your truth to emerge. This will allow you to embrace the wholeness of who you are and connect with the divine wisdom of  the Universe. Below are the layers of consciousness as you uncover deep truths about yourself and the world around you:

Layers of Consciousness of The Sage archetype:

Level 1: Search for “the Truth” and for objectivity

Level 2: Scepticism, awareness and multiplicity and complexity of truth, all truth seen as relative. Acceptance of subjectivity as part of the human condition. 

Level 3: Experience the ultimate truth or truths; wisdom.  

Return Home Archetypes: The Fool

The Fool Archetype is the aspect of our Inner Child which knows how to play. Initially, the Fool makes a joke out of life and neglects important aspects of themselves and their own healing. This can result in irresponsible actions and self-deprecation. The awakened Fool responsibly embraces joy. Life is experienced fully and celebrated for its own sake. If you are connecting with the archetype of the Fool, it is an invitation to connect with your Inner Child once more. Slow down and look for opportunities for play and laughter. Alternatively, this may be a warning that you are not taking yourself seriously enough. Notice if there are any areas of your life which are needing more attention. Below are the layers of consciousness as you embrace the joy of life and connect with your inner child:

Layers of Consciousness of The Fool archetype:

Level 1: Life is a game to be played for the fun of it (Fool)

Level 2: Cleverness used to trick others, to get out of trouble, to find way around obstacles, to tell the truth without impunity (Trickster) 

Level 3: Life is experienced fully in the moment, life is celebrated for its own sake and lived in the moment, one day at a time (Wise Fool of Jester)

Building Your Archetypal Team

Introduction to Building Your Archetypal Team

Within this section, we will speak about how you can go about building a support network around you. We are talking here about building your archetypal team, and identifying with those people you meet on your journey. Some people you meet, you will resonate with almost instantly, they become a part of your Soul Tribe to assist you through life's battles. Others will show up to bring you difficult and challenging lesson that can bring about pain, these people are regarded as your Karmic Circle. You will learn about your support network within this video.

Archetypal Team - Soul Tribe

Within this video, we will be exploring your Soul Tribe as you connect with those people who love and support you through life journey. You will often regard these people as your Soul family and it can feel as if you have known them for years. Your Soul Tribe consists of You (The Hero or Heroine), Sidekicks, Mentors, Threshold Guardians and your Divine Feminine.

Archetypal Team - Karmic Circle

Within this video, we will be exploring your Karmic Circle as you notice those people who don't have your best interests a heart. There will be people you meet on your journey who will bring you difficult, challenging and karmic lessons. Though you maybe hurt in the process of connecting with them, everyone on your path has been sent to teach you. Your Karmic Circle consists of Shapeshifters, Tricksters and your Shadow.

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