Soul Retrieval
How to do a Shamanic Journey to help your friends or clients
Students in my beginner course: “How to do a Shamanic Journey to find and bring back your Power Animal” asked me if I could teach them how to do a Shamanic Journey for friends and clients, and especially how to do a Soul Retrieval.
Soul Retrieval, also called Soul Hunting, is a shamanic method to find and bring back parts of the soul that were lost.
In many cultures, worldwide, we find the belief that sickness and suffering happens because important fragments of our soul have gone missing. This is called “Soul Loss”. It is believed that a Soul Loss often happens because of a shock or trauma, which we experienced in the past, especially in childhood.
Think about it like this: at the moment of a painful experience a part of yourself leaves your body. This is a survival mechanism of your soul. In this case it’s saying to itself: “This is too much, I don’t want to experience this. I’m getting out of here now.” And this part of your soul, that is leaving the body during the trauma or shock, is not just leaving for a moment, it wants to hide, because it doesn’t want to experience something like that again.
So if you, or your friends or clients suffer in some way, or feel that something is missing, or they don’t feel like themselves, then you might want to look for the missing pieces of the soul. Soul Retrieval has been practiced for thousands of years from Shamans around the world, yet for many people it is still not very well known. Let’s change this!
My name is Daniela, and I have learned shamanic methods back in 2001, when I lived in Germany. I had a wonderful teacher who taught me professional aura balancing, trance dance, shamanic journeying and soul retrieval.
In my beginner course you have learned how to visit the Middle World, Under World, and the Upper World. You have also learned how to find your Power Animal, to bring it back, which symbolically means bringing back your Personal Power. Now in this course you will learn how to do a Soul Retrieval.
It’s important that before you enroll in this course, you hopefully enrolled already in my beginner course “How to do a Shamanic Journey To Find And Bring Back Your Power Animal”, because you should already be familiar with journeying, and you need to have found your own Power Animal, before you do a journey for someone else.
The reason for this is because your Power Animal will normally go with you on your journey to guide you, regardless of whether you are doing a journey for yourself or for someone else.
So, are you ready to learn more about Shamanic Journeying? Do you want to help your friends and clients to bring healing to their souls?If you are ready for advanced journeying, then simply enroll in my advanced course: How to do a Shamanic Journey for your Friends and clients.
See you in the course.
Welcome and Recap
Respectfully there have been some people who have suggested that teaching Soul Retrieval online is dangerous and that this course should be taken down. However in my experience there have not been any negative effects to any of my students. There are different ways of doing a Soul Retrieval, and I have gone to great lengths to make this course the safest course possible. It covers the basic essence of Soul Retrieval the way I have learned it. But anyway, take this course at your own discretion.
If you feel like you need more support, please find a teacher near you, and use this course to get started.
Please read carefully. This course doesn't replace a doctor.
This is a good question.
Introduction Soul Retrieval
Learn about the signs of Soul Loss.
As a Shaman you travel to other realities to find soul fragments.
How to do a Soul Retrieval for a friend or client - step by step
Learn what to do, and what not to do at the end of the session.
Summery of the Soul Retrieval
37 minutes of Drumming for your Journey.
This is a short version of the drumming, just incase you are a fast journeyer. :)
Soul Abduction - A Stolen Soul Retrieval
After a successful Soul Retrieval you can talk about the Soul Abduction with your friend.
Let's see what you have learned.
Thank you
Keep learning and practicing
Thank you :)